Matty from Tanoshi: the hunt for real time visibility over performance

Matty from Tanoshi: the hunt for real time visibility over performance

Matty from Tanoshi: the hunt for real time visibility over performance

By Richard McLeod, Loaded

Matty from Tanoshi was hooked on hospitality the moment he realised the more fun he and the team had the better it was for his customers.

Matty from Tanoshi: the hunt for real time visibility over performance

Where did the Tanoshi name come from?

When we decided we wanted to do a great Japanese restaurant in an existing location we have occupied for a long time, we really wanted to capture the fun we believe that good hospitality should deliver.

Tanoshi means ‘to delight” or “delightful” – We think that perfectly captures our ethos and the experience we hope every customer will have with us.

What were you looking for when you implemented Loaded?

At the time I wasn’t working full time in the business and I really wanted better visibility in real time of our performance. That was the starting point, but once I realised we were going to be able to manage all of our staff and our cost of goods within Loaded, I got pretty hooked and realised it was going to solve a bunch of problems I had always wanted to sort, but never had the system that would allow us to do it.

What's been an unexpected outcome from implementing Loaded?

What we were surprised about was how much our staff communication improved. Managers between sites started talking the same language because they were doing everything at their venues exactly the same way. This has meant that they can help each other out more particularly if a site has an issue that they’re struggling to get on top of, other staff within the group are much more likely to be able to help get it sorted.

What's in store for Tanoshi going forward?

We’re feeling pretty good about how the current two restaurants have held up during Covid and we’re well down the track with the plans for our third restaurant which is in a new building going up in town.

We like the idea that our growth will happen organically so long as we live up to the Tanoshi name of providing “delightful’ hospitality.

Matty from Tanoshi: the hunt for real time visibility over performance

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